Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition) Max Shank pdf

Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition)

Max Shank/ Health

Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition)

Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition) Max Shank pdf - Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition) par Max Shank ont été vendues pour EUR 7,92 chaque exemplaire. Le livre publié par Max Shank. Il contient 301 pages et classé dans le genre Health. Ce livre a une bonne réponse du lecteur, il a la cote 3.7 des lecteurs 907. Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour accéder à des milliers de livres disponibles pour téléchargement gratuit. L'inscription était gratuite.

Détails de Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition)

Si vous avez décidé de trouver ou lire ce livre, ci-dessous sont des informations sur le détail de Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition) pour votre référence.

Titre du livre : Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition)

Auteur : Max Shank

Catégorie : Health

Nom de fichier : master-the-kettlebell-how-to-develop-high-level-skills-in-movement-power-generation-and-strength-using-the-world-39-s-single-best-tool-for-the-job-english-edition.pdf

Taille du fichier : 25.93 (La vitesse du serveur actuel est 18.41 Mbps

Master The Kettlebell: How To Develop High-Level Skills In Movement, Power Generation And Strength--Using The World's Single Best Tool For The Job (English Edition) Max Shank pdf - The Kettlebell-Lover’s Primer for Rapid Physical Transformation and Peak Athletic Performance… When Dragon Door originated the modern kettlebell movement in 2001, it was love-at-first-sight for millions of fitness enthusiasts worldwide. This almost magical “gym-in-the-palm-of-your-hand” can deliver spectacular results--be it in strength, conditioning, power or movement quality. The health-strength benefits of vigorous, dedicated, skilled exercise with kettlebells can indeed be off-the-charts. But note the all-important word “skill”. Because without the proper know-how, the kettlebell reverts to just an iron ball with a handle--or to a misused, misunderstood tool that heaps abuse and perhaps injury on its unskilled user. Which is the reason for Master RKC, Max Shank’s Master the Kettlebell…
Max Shank champions an approach to kettlebell training that emphasizes safe, sustainable gains for a long, strong and above-all healthy life. Master the Kettlebell accordingly presents straightforward, practical programs that allow a beginner to make steady yet dramatic progress--while providing strategies and methods for even the most accomplished athlete to up their game.
You will see immediately from the photographs illustrating the book, that Max is indeed a magnificent athletic specimen--combining a great physique with impressive strength and terrific form. Study Max--either in this book or in person--and if you replicate what you see, athletic gold awaits you. As importantly, you’ll be rewarded in Master the Kettlebell with an absolutely fluff-free blueprint on how to develop your own high-level skills in movement, power generation and strength--using the world’s single best tool for the job.
In 2013 Dragon Door’s famed RKC kettlebell program took an historic leap forward in sophistication. With Dragon Door’s more ambitious mission in place to have a major impact on global health, the RKC broadened and deepened its curriculum and placed a far greater emphasis on the importance of graduating instructors who were not only skilled athletes but skilled coaches. Dragon Door actively recruited and promoted men and women who role-modeled the impact of skillful kettlebell training, the RKC way. These men and women have lean, superb physiques and excellent movement skills. These men and women OWN the kettlebell as a tool for transforming the human body in every dimension. These men and women--the RKC leadership--possess deep coaching skills and a deep passion to ensure their clients achieve their desired transformational goals.
No one in this resurgent RKC better exemplifies the new model of excellence than Max Shank. Max turned heads in dramatic fashion when he Tamed the Beast--and joined an elite fraternity capable of performing three very different lifts with a 48kg kettlebell: the press, the pistol and the pull up. His evident teaching skills saw him rapidly promoted in the RKC leadership. As a Master RKC, Max has represented Dragon Door in Sweden, Italy, Germany and Australia, as well as the United States--and in every instance the praise for his teaching style has been off the charts. Lately, Max has been challenging for World Records in the Highland Games…
Warrior-athletes revere the kettlebell for the added resilience and hitting-power it gives them. Endurance athletes value the extreme conditioning challenge. Kyphotic desk-jockeys see salvation in the end to their back-pain and a renewed vitality. Both genders appreciate the dramatic toning and firming of butt, thighs and abs. Physical culturists embrace the total-body impact of the kettlebell’s explosive moves.
Master The Kettlebell rewards you with a complete education in both core and supplemental lifts, programming recommendations and preparatory stretches and corrective drills to optimize your performance, regardless of your athletic level and goals.

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon : 118367
Manufacturer : Dragon Door Publications, Inc

Catégories : Health

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